"titulo": "Privacy Notices",
"avisoPrivacidad": "Privacy notices",
"clientesYusuarios": "Notice to customers and users",
"empleadosYreclutantes": "Notice to employees and recruiters",
"avisoParaCámaras": "Notice for security cameras",
"eventosTalleresConferencias": "Notice for events, workshops and conferences"
Aviso de Privacidad
Innovak Global, S.A. de C.V., con domicilio en Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua., C.P. 31375, (Innovak Global), es el responsable del uso y protección de sus datos personales de conformidad con la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares (La Ley).
Datos Personales
Los datos personales que usted nos proporcione con motivo de aclaración de dudas, comentarios, solicitud de información respecto de nuestros productos, procesos de reclutamiento o bien al ingresar a cualquiera de nuestras instalaciones son:1. Datos de identificación como: nombre, domicilio, teléfono, correo electrónico, CURP, fecha de nacimiento, edad, nacionalidad, país de residencia, número de seguridad social, forma de contacto preferida.2. Datos de empleos anteriores como: puesto, correo electrónico, teléfono y fax del trabajo, compañía para la que labora o laboró y duración en el empleo.3. Datos de educación como: educación, título obtenido, especialidad, tipos de práctica, certificados de estudios.
Innovak Global no solicita datos personales
considerados como sensibles, como son: enfermedades que padece, alergias y medicamentos que toma, religión o partido político con el que simpatiza.
Finalidades del tratamiento de sus personales
Los datos personales que recabamos de usted, los utilizaremos para las siguientes finalidades que son necesarias para el servicio o empleo que solicita:Si usted es cliente o está interesado en nuestros productos, para:
1. Dar respuesta a las interrogantes y/o comentarios que usted pueda tener siempre que estos sean relacionadas con nuestros servicios o el uso de nuestros productos.
2. Contactarlo y hacerle llegar comunicaciones con fines promocionales, realizar encuestas y participar en programas de beneficios.
3. Desarrollar nuevos productos y servicios, conocer el mercado y el desempeño de la empresa dentro de éste, servicios de atención al cliente, registrarlo en concursos, eventos, congresos o simposios, presentar un testimonio o anécdota, registrarlo para recibir información de interés.
Si está usted interesado en formar parte del equipo de Innovak Global, su información será utilizada para:
1. Contactarlo en caso de que su perfil resulte de interés para Innovak Global y participar en el proceso de selección de personal de ser el caso.
2. Llevar a cabo evaluaciones previas a la contratación.
Si visita nuestras instalaciones, para:
• Controlar el acceso, mantener la confidencialidad de la información propiedad de Innovak Global, así como la seguridad dentro de nuestras instalaciones.Sus datos personales serán tratados únicamente por el tiempo necesario a fin de cumplir con las finalidades descritas en este Aviso de Privacidad o en aquel que se ponga a su disposición.
Uso de tecnologías de rastreo en nuestro portal de internet.
Le informamos que en nuestra página de internet utilizamos cookies, a través de las cuales es posible monitorear su comportamiento como usuario de internet, brindarle mejor servicio, así como ofrecerle nuevos productos y servicios basados en sus preferencias.Los datos personales que obtenemos de estas tecnologías de rastreo son las siguientes: horario de navegación, tiempo de navegación en nuestra página de internet, secciones consultadas, y páginas de internet accedidas previo a la nuestra.Asimismo le informamos que sus datos personales que se obtienen a través de estas tecnologías NO serán compartidos con terceros.
Estas tecnologías podrán desactivarse siguiendo los siguientes pasos: 1. Acceder en su navegador a la opción de Menú 2. Dar clic en Opciones / Privacidad 3. Buscar la opción de Historial y seleccionar Usar configuraciones personalizadas para el historial 4. Deshabilitas la opción de Aceptar cookies
Medidas de Seguridad
Innovak Global ha implementado y mantiene las medidas de seguridad, técnicas, administrativas y físicas, necesarias para proteger sus datos personales y evitar su daño, pérdida, alteración, destrucción o el uso, acceso o tratamiento no autorizado.Transferencias de datos personales Innovak Global NO transferirá sus datos personales a terceros, nacionales o extranjeros, salvo los casos previstos y autorizados por la Ley.En caso de que Innovak Global sea adquirido o fusionado con un ente comercial diverso, sus datos personales serán resguardados por la nueva entidad a fin de que esta última pueda utilizarlos de la misma manera en que Innovak Global los utilizaba.
Derechos del titular de los datos personales (ARCO)
Usted tiene el derecho a conocer que datos personales tenemos de usted, para que los utilizamos y las condiciones del uso que les damos (Acceso). Asimismo, es su derecho solicitar la corrección de su información personal en caso de que esté desactualizada, sea inexacta o incompleta (Rectificación); que la eliminemos de nuestros registros o bases de datos cuando considere que la misma no está siendo utilizada conforme a los principios, deberes y obligaciones previstas en la normativa (Cancelación); así como a oponerse al uso de sus datos personales para fines específicos (Oposición); Estos derechos se conocen como derechos ARCO. Usted podrá ejercer cualquiera de los derechos descritos en el párrafo que antecede a través del envío de su solicitud, en los términos establecidos por La Ley y su Reglamento, al departamento de Protección de Datos de Innovak Global ubicado en Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua C.P. 31372 o al correo electrónico [email protected]. También puede revocar el consentimiento que, en su caso, nos haya otorgado para el tratamiento de sus datos personales. Sin embargo es importante que tenga en cuenta que no en todos los casos podremos atender su solicitud o concluir de forma inmediata, ya que es posible que por alguna obligación legal requiramos seguir tratando sus datos personales. Asimismo deberá considerar que para ciertos fines, la revocación de su consentimiento implicará que no le podamos prestar o seguir prestando el servicio solicitado o bien puede significar la conclusión de la relación con nosotros. Para presentar su revocación puede hacerlo de la misma forma que para ejercer sus derechos ARCO descritos líneas atrás. Modificaciones al Aviso de Privacidad El presente aviso de privacidad puede sufrir modificaciones, cambios o actualizaciones derivadas de nuevos requerimientos legales; de nuestras propias necesidades por los productos o servicios que ofrecemos; de nuestras políticas de selección de personal; de nuestras prácticas de privacidad; de cambios en nuestro modelo de negocio o por otras causas.Nos comprometemos a mantenerlo informado sobre los cambios que pueda sufrir el presente aviso de privacidad a traves de nuestro sitio web www.innovakglobal.com o del comunicado respectivo al correo electrónico que nos haya proporcionado.
Para dudas, aclaraciones o comentarios respecto a este Aviso de Privacidad y otras cuestiones de privacidad y protección de datos personales, Innovak Global pone a su disposición los siguientes medios de contacto:
Departamento de Privacidad de Datos Innovak
José Fernando Urías RamírezInnovak Global, S.A. de C.V.
Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615
Tel: +52 614 436 0138 Ext 124
E-mail:[email protected]
Innovak Global, S.A. de C.V., with address at Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Zip Code 31375, (Innovak Global), is responsible for and will process your personal data, whether exclusively or jointly with Innovak Global affiliated companies.
What does this Privacy policy cover?
This Privacy policy provides information about the personal data processing when using services or purchasing products of or on behalf of a company or companies of Innovak Global (“Innovak Global” or “we”) whether as:
- Client;
- Supplier;
- Visitor or user of our facilities; and/or
- Innovak Global Website, social media, and/or applications user.
Processing of children’s personal data. Special consideration in case of being under 16 years old.
Except for those cases in which Innovak Global organizes educational events specifically designed for children, we do not intentionally gather personal data of people under 16 years old. If you are under 16 years old, do not send us your personal data, for example, your name, address, and email. If you desire to reach Innovak Global in a form that requires you to send your personal data (for example, for educational or innovation events), you shall request your parent or guardian to do it on his own behalf.
What personal data do we process about you?
We gather information, including personal data about you, as a client or supplier of Innovak Global, visitor, or user of our facilities, user of the website and Applications of Innovak Global and/or a Social Media Page administered by Innovak Global (“Innovak Global Social Media Page”). This information may be:
- Information you provide us as visitor or user of our facilities: the images of you captured by our surveillance and security video cameras, name of the individual and/or legal entity, legal representative in its case, statement of the area or employee you will visit, official identification with photograph (voters’ credential, passport, military service ID card, etc.), date and time of the visit indicating entrance and exit as well as a brief description of the visit’s purpose.
- Information you provide as a client or potential client: Name of the individual or legal entity and its articles of incorporation, as the case may be, name of the legal representative, if applicable, and his public instrument or power of attorney, address of the place of delivery of the product, Taxpayers’ ID, Taxpayer Registration Certificate, Financial Position and Income Statement, proof of address, official identification with photograph (voters’ card, passport, military service ID card, etc.), corporate address, contact telephone, email, routing number, and at the time of making the payment, there will be a record of the bank account, date and time in which the payment was made;
- Information you provide us as supplier or potential supplier: Name of the individual or legal entity and its articles of incorporation, as the case may be, name of the legal representative, if applicable, and his
public instrument or power of attorney, Taxpayers’ ID, Taxpayer Registration Certificate, proof of address, official identification with photograph (voters’ card, passport, military service ID card, etc.), contact telephone,
email, Tax Administration Service (SAT) obligations compliance opinion, voters’ credential from the National Electoral Institute, bank account cover page (which contains or may contain, according to the bank at issue: account number, account type, routing number, card number, investment number, beneficiaries, and designated percentage) and at the time of making the payment, there will be a record of the bank account, date and time in which the correspondent payment was made; - When you create an account profile in Innovak Global, we will ask you to specify your name, email address, and gender (in order for us to provide you with the appropriate treatment, but you are under no obligation to
provide this information), your contact preferences and the information necessary to answer security questions. If you decide to become a member of a program, alliance, or any other relationship of Innovak Global Loyalty, in an Innovak Global Applications user, Innovak Global services, or our mobile payments, we will ask you to provide other personal data necessary for the execution of these services and/or authentication, as the type of vehicle, driver’s profile, date of birth (if gathered), communication preferences and a mobile phone number; - Information we obtain through your use of Innovak Global services: we also gather information about how and where you use or purchase Innovak Global services and products. This information may include electronic device data, IP addresses, records data, browser type and preferences, location information, online identifiers to enable “cookies” and similar technologies. Your purchasing history includes data regarding (i) specific products you purchase, (ii) the total amount of your purchases by transaction, (iii) the time and place of the purchases you make, and (iv) the payment method you use, including the payment methods included in the Innovak Global Applications (such as the mobile payment option);
- If you are a member of an agreement, Alliance Program, or Innovak Global Loyalty, we gather information about your participation in this program; this includes data related to (i) the type and description of the reward you chose, (ii) rewards you have chosen, (iii) the points’ amount you have redeemed, (iv) the frequency and time of the points redemption, and (v) the delivery method used to give you the reward (if applicable).
- Information gathered through external sources: with the purpose of ensuring we have the most updated information about you in order to offer you better products and services every time more personalized, we shall combine information we have about you with additional information publicly available or obtained through third parties expressly authorized by you. This includes information about your purchasing habits and the related products or services you may use; or
- Information gathered through social media pages: when you reach us through an Innovak Global Social Media Page (for example, when you comment, share, or react to a post with employment offers, promotion, congresses, events, seminars, post a video or audio, send a personal message or subscribe to an Innovak Global social media page), is possible we receive personal data about you, such as your username, profile picture, place of birth, email address, and sex. We will use any data received through our social media in conformity with the privacy policy or notice of the same.
How do we obtain your personal data?
Personally or through:
- Instant messaging applications
- Physical forms
- Web forms
- Our official social media
- Our institutional forms
- Videoconference or virtual meeting platforms
- Via telephone
What are the purposes for the processing of your personal data?
- Physical or electronic generation of a file as client or supplier.
- Providing you with our products, offering you our services, and enhancing contact with you.
- Management of the commercial relationships, such as to maintain and promote contact with you.
- Management of the account, including the account verification (that is, ensuring it is only you or someone you authorized to access your account and information).
- Creation of a client profile according to the data provided and the record of the application of products or services.
- Offering assistance to the clients and developing our products and services.
- Carrying out audits, investigations, conflict resolutions or insurance, disputes, and the defense of complaints.
- Investigation and financial behavior for possible access to credit with Innovak Global and the subsequent registration in our invoicing system.
- Fraud detection and prevention.
Additionally, we may process your data for a secondary purpose when they are closely related, for example:
- Submission of information about events, news, and other content regarding our campaigns and consumer rights.
- Submission of our electronic newsletter.
- Performance of internal studies of consumption habits, attitudes, and knowledge.
- Performance of market studies analyses and marketing strategies.
- Offering promotions and prizes to the Innovak Global clients, including digital rewards to recognize you as an appreciated client; or
If you have provided your consent for receiving communications from Innovak Global, you may receive offers to participate adapted to your preferences in function of the information gathered about you through the previously described sources with the purpose of offering the best opportunities every time more personalized.
We may send you updates and notifications of the platforms or applications you have registered for without your previous consent only in case such updates or notifications are necessary for the correct functioning of the Applications or other Innovak Global services you use.
You may receive relevant communications through different channels, and you may update your subscription preferences in the settings of your personal profile at any moment or use the subscription cancellation function for different digital channels.
Mechanism to state refusal.
In case you do not agree your data is used for the mentioned secondary purposes, you may state your refusal by sending an email to [email protected] indicating your name and mentioning the secondary purposes from which you desire to be excluded, prior to the processing of your personal data or within a maximum term of 5 working days counted as of the date in which you provided Innovak Global your personal data.
Transference of your personal data.
Your personal data shall not be transferred to third parties without your consent unless exceptions established in the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in the Possession of Private Parties (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares).
If your personal data has been transferred to Innovak Global companies or its use has been authorized by authorized third parties outside the country, we shall adopt organizational, contractual, and legal measures to guarantee the processing of your personal data to be exclusively for the purposes previously mentioned and for the appropriate protection levels to be implemented in order to safeguard your personal data.
Why do we process your personal data?
Because the personal data referred to in this Privacy Policy is necessary to carry out the commercial transactions derived from the purchase of products or services we provide, as well as to maintain contact and business dealings with the people interested in the same, whether in person or by electronic means such as our website, applications or social media in which Innovak global participates or uses.
Additionally, they are necessary because Innovak Global needs to comply with its various legal obligations for which it is responsible according to its line of business.
Your rights regarding your personal data and how to exercise them.
Means to exercise access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition rights (hereinafter, “ARCO Rights”).
At any time, you may have Access to your personal data; Rectify them in case they cease to be exact, complete, pertinent, correct, or are outdated; Cancel them if you consider they are no longer necessary for the purposes established in this Privacy Policy, or Oppose the processing of your personal data for the specific purposes that are not necessary for your legal relationship with Innovak Global.
Any request to exercise the ARCO Rights shall be made through a form available through this mean and contained and be accompanied by the following (i) “ARCO Request” express indication or in its case, a “Consent Revocation”; (ii) Holder’s full name and the mean by which Innovak Global may communicate the Holder the answer to the request; (iii) a clear and precise description of the Data object of the Holder’s request in respect of which the Holder desires to exercise any of his previously mentioned rights; and (iv) any other element or document that facilitates the Data localization.
The rectification requests shall include the supporting documents justifying its provenance and relevance for its admission, as well as establishing the modification to be carried out.
Once the request is received, an acknowledgment of receipt shall be sent to you with the corresponding folio number and the reception date. In case your request does not comply with the necessary requirements, you will be notified within 5 (five) working days subsequent to its reception, so you rectify your request in a period of 10 (ten) working days; if you fail to do so, the same shall be deemed as not presented.
In case your request has been sent on Friday or in a non-working day, it shall be deemed received the following working day. Once rectified, we shall have a maximum period of 20 (twenty) working days to analyze your request and send you the corresponding answer. If the answer includes, in its case, the measures to be taken, we shall have a maximum period of 15 (fifteen) working days. We will send you our answer to the email indicated by you.
In case the request is admissible and appropriate in accordance with the Law and other current regulations, you shall be granted access to your data or these shall be rectified or canceled, prior to its blocking in the cases it is admissible, or your right to opposition shall be made effective or your consent shall be deemed revoked for the processing of your personal data, within the 15 (fifteen) working days subsequent to the date in which the answer to your request is provided. This period may be extended by 15 (fifteen) additional working days when reasonable causes exist; likewise, you shall be promptly notified of this situation.
In any cases in which your request is admissible and appropriate, the answer shall be free, as long as it is conducted through the email indicated for such purposes. In case you require the information to be differently handed to you, you shall solely cover the administrative recovery expenses quoted for the cost of preparing the materials for your answer in copies or other forms generated in conformity with your request.
For the exercise of ARCO Rights, you shall address your respective request through the corresponding form and personally deliver it to the Innovak Global Personal Data Department, at the address Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Zip Code 31375, in working days (from Monday to Friday) within a schedule from 8:00 to 18:00 hours (Chihuahua, Chih. time zone, GMT-6) or through the following email: [email protected]
Consent revocation mechanism and procedure.
You may request the consent revocation for the processing of your personal data as long as a legal provision does not prevent it and you may submit your request to the email: [email protected] stating your name and desire to revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data previously granted which shall be handled by the Innovak Global Personal Data Department at the address Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Zip Code 31375, in working days (from Monday to Friday) within a schedule from 8:00 to 18:00 hours (Chihuahua, Chih. time zone, GMT-6) which will assist you as described in the ARCO Rights section.
Innovak Global agrees to protect and limit the use or disclosure of your personal data.
Security of your personal data
We have implemented technology and rules to protect your privacy against improper use and unauthorized access. Particularly, we may use encryption in some of our services, we apply an authentication and verification process for access to Innovak Global services, and we regularly test, assess and evaluate the effectiveness of our security measures.
Your personal data are exclusively processed for the mentioned purposes and shall only be shared when it is strictly necessary with:
- Other Innovak Global companies, including the ones that may be located outside the country;
- Third-party authorized companies in cooperation with Innovak Global that may provide products and/or services to the users of the Innovak Global Loyalty Applications and Programs;
- Authorized service suppliers that participate in mobile payments (such as PayPal, Apple Wallet, or Android Pay, Web design by Tingdil.com, Masorden.com, CINCEL);
- Authorized agents, licensees, service suppliers, external auditors, and/or subcontractors of Innovak Global
- A competent public authority, government, regulatory authority, of control, investigation or tax, when necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation to which the company or pertinent Innovak Global companies are subjected, or to the extent the applicable legislation allows; or
- Any person to whom Innovak Global proposes to transfer any of its rights and/or obligations.
Security of transactions and fraud prevention, detection, and investigation.
If you use a mobile payment application to purchase products from Innovak Global (as long as it is available in your market), is possible that additional personal data will be requested to complete the transaction. We may use the personal data you provided in order to prevent, detect, and investigate fraud, and to apply the terms and conditions of the mobile payment application.
We may share some information with the service suppliers involved in mobile payments (such as PayPal). These data include, among others, your IP address, the ID or Unique Device Identifier, the loyalty card number for the purposes previously specified, as well as for points accumulation, the device type, geolocation information, connection information (e.g., Wi-Fi) and the mobile net information.
What are the consequences of not providing my personal data?
If you chose not to provide the previously specified information for the purposes of using an Innovak Global Application or participate in a Program, agreement or Innovak Global Loyalty alliance, the only consequence is that it shall affect your capacity to fully interact with Innovak Global Applications or with the program.
Mechanism’s use in remote or local electronic communication media. Cookies and similar technologies.
Innovak Global uses cookies and similar technologies with the purpose of gathering and preserving information when you visit an Innovak Global Website or Application. This will allow Innovak Global to identify your Internet browser and gather data about the website’s use, which webpages you visit, the visits’ duration, and identify this information when you return to improve your website browsing experience. You may control and administer your cookies preferences by adjusting the settings of your browser or using the cookies preferences tool of Innovak Global on its Websites.
Interacting with Innovak Global through social media.
If you choose to interact with Innovak Global through a social media page of Innovak Global (“Innovak Global Social Media”) such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn, your personal data (such as your name, profile picture,
and the fact that you are interested in Innovak Global) will be visible for all the visitors of your personal website, depending of your privacy settings in the corresponding social media platform, and will also be visible for Innovak Global.
You may delete any information shared on these websites at any time through your account on the corresponding social media platform. Innovak Global does not keep track of your activity on the different websites of the social media you use. If you send a message to Innovak Global by any messaging service using the social media platform, these messages do not remain beyond a month after their reception. Reach Innovak Global if you desire to make a request for an action you cannot complete on your own and that is related to Innovak Global social media.
In addition, and to the extent Innovak Global is jointly responsible with a social media platform of an Innovak Global social media account, Innovak Global shall have access, through the social media platform to aggregated data that provide statistics and information that help understand the kind of actions you perform on the Innovak Global social media. To obtain more information about how your personal data are processed on these social media platforms verify the privacy policies and/or notices of such platforms, including advertisements you may receive, and verify the privacy settings to which you may access through your corresponding social media platform account.
This Privacy Policy is updated throughout time. Changes in this Privacy Policy.
This Privacy Policy was updated by Innovak Global on September 25, 2023, in the city of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico at the address Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Zip Code 31375.
Innovak Global, S.A. de C.V., with address at Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Zip Code 31375, (Innovak Global), is responsible for and will process your personal data, whether exclusively or jointly with Innovak Global affiliate companies.
What does this Privacy policy cover?
This Privacy policy provides information about the personal data that one or several companies of Innovak Global (“Innovak Global” or “we”) process regarding:
- Employees;
- Commissioners;
- Current or previous service suppliers;
- Job applicants; and/or
- Participants in personnel selection events or participants in evaluation processes.
Processing of children’s personal data. Special consideration in case of being under 16 years old.
If you are under 16 years old and desire to request or participate in an education or innovation event sponsored by Innovak Global or you desire to work for a holiday or Christmas season or permanently for Innovak Global.
Except for those cases in which Innovak Global organizes educational events specifically designed for children, we do not intentionally gather personal data of people under 16 years old. If you are under 16 years old, do not send us your personal data, for example, your name, address, and email. If you desire to reach Innovak Global in a form that requires you to send your personal data (for example, for educational or innovation events), you shall request your parent or guardian to do it on his own behalf.
According to article 22 of the Federal Labor Law (Ley Federal del Trabajo), the minimum age to begin working is 15 years old, as long as there is a parents and guardians’ permission for the adolescents to be hired.
What personal data do we process about you?
- Identification data: Full name, address, age, sex, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, Taxpayers’ ID (R.F.C.), Social Security number, Unique Population Registry Code (C.U.R.P.), official identification with photograph, marital status, signature, migratory information, badge number.
- Contact data. Full address, email, mobile or landline telephone, personal or company telephone, information regarding travels, flights, and stay or accommodation during courses, seminars, trainings, participations and/or conferences, and scheduled events.
- Financial or patrimonial data. Information derived from the carried out socioeconomic studies, current and previous salary, other incomes, bank account information, Retirement Funds Administrator (AFORE) to which you belong, National Fund for Workers’ Housing (INFONAVIT) credit, for the hiring of vehicle insurance, if applicable, the identification data of the vehicle of your property or your economic dependent, as well as the identification data of the owner of the vehicle.
- Employment and academic data. Employment and academic records, study certificates, resume, labor performance, and information regarding previous jobs. Results of the interviews and evaluations, transcript of courses you have selected and previous grades; and bank account information to prove the possibility of access to economic scholarships if applicable in participations, events, seminars, and courses.
- Identification data and contact of third parties. Name, telephone or cell phone, email, work position, place of work, relationship with you, of people who may be requested (personal and work-related) references, as well as people appointed to be contacted in case of emergency, as well as your spouse, parents, children, any person mentioned by the employee, applicant or assistant with the capacity of beneficiary, rightsholder or assignee with an entitlement to receive help, support, scholarship, compensation or any other benefit derived from his employment rights.
- When you create an account profile in Innovak Global, we will ask you to specify your name, email address; gender (in order for us to provide you with the appropriate treatment, but you are under no obligation to provide this information), your contact preferences and the information necessary to answer security questions. If you decide to become a member who seeks to boost talent by being part of a program, of the Innovak university, alliance, or any other relationship participating in the culture enhancement of the organizational structure, in an Innovak Global Applications user, Innovak Global services or our mobile payments, we will ask you to provide other personal data necessary for the execution of these services and/or authentication, as the type of vehicle, driver’s profile, date of birth (if gathered), communication preferences and a mobile phone number;
- Information gathered through social media pages: when you reach us through an Innovak Global Social Media Page (for example, when you comment, share, or react to a post with employment offers, promotion, congresses, events, seminars, post a video or audio, send a personal message or subscribe to an Innovak Global social media page), is possible we receive personal data about you, such as your username, profile picture, place of birth, email address, and sex. We will use any data received through our social media in conformity with the privacy policy or notice of the same.
- Personal data considered as sensitive (hereinafter shall be deemed included when referred to “Personal Data”): Health Data. Size, weight, shoe size, current and previous health status, and blood type; additionally, to guarantee equality of employment opportunities as the local regulations allow or require, it is possible we also gather other sensitive data of the Applicants, such as their nationality or ethnic or racial origin, personal data and information of your spouse, parents and children, any person mentioned by the employee, applicant or assistant with the capacity of beneficiary, rightsholder or assignee with an entitlement to receive help, support, scholarship, compensation or any other benefit derived from his employment rights.
In addition, you may be requested to show your original documents and to submit a copy of the same as evidence that supports the information you provided.
Additionally, we may process your data for a secondary purpose when they are closely related, for example:
- Submission of information about new courses, events, news, and other content regarding our formation and continuous improvement campaigns.
- Submission of our electronic newsletter.
- Offering promotions at the interior of Innovak Global, including digital rewards to recognize you as outstanding talent.
If you have provided your consent for receiving communications from Innovak Global, you may receive offers to participate adapted to your preferences in function of the information gathered about you through the previously described sources with the purpose of offering the best opportunities every time more personalized.
We may send you updates and notifications of the platforms or applications you have registered for without your previous consent only in case such updates or notifications are necessary for the correct functioning of the Applications or other Innovak Global services you use.
You may receive relevant communications through different channels, and you may update your subscription preferences in the settings of your personal profile at any moment or use the subscription cancellation function for different digital channels.
How do we obtain your personal data?
During job fairs and events where you directly provide us with your registration or through:
- Instant messaging applications
- Physical forms
- Web forms
- Our official social media
- Our institutional forms
- Videoconference or virtual meeting platforms
- Via telephone
What are the purposes for the processing of your personal data?
- Attraction of talent, formalizing the employment relationship, and identification of you as an employee.
- Putting your record together.
- Providing induction, training, and/or capacity development, events, participations, conferences, seminars, courses, workshops, and non-work activities regarding growth.
- Making internal studies about habits, attitudes, aptitudes, and knowledge.
- Making internal and external audits.
- Registration, modification, and/or removal of the Mexican Social Security Institute (“IMSS” by its Spanish Acronym), INFONAVIT, and similar entities of the countries where Innovak Global has subsidiaries.
- Arrangement of business travels.
- Granting of employment benefits.
- Personnel administration.
- Guaranteeing the facilities’ security and protecting the property and rights of Innovak Global and other companies of the group or related; as well as the information confidentiality of Innovak Global and other companies of the group or related.
- Assignment of work tools and safety equipment depending on the case and that derive from your contractual obligations.
- Carrying out studies, analyses, or revisions, with the purpose of guaranteeing the safety within the workplace and the confidentiality of the information property of Innovak Global. For these effects, we may carry out a random revision of the information contained in computers and other devices and media provided as work tools, including the use given to the Internet.
- Complying with the legal obligations derived from the employment relationship, the ones derived from the conflict resolution or insurance, the disputes with the company or the employee’s own obligations that Innovak must comply with by court order.
- Granting access to the facilities and computing systems.
- Contacting and evaluating you (including your performance) for labor purposes.
- Verifying and confirming your identity and request for references.
- Carrying out investigations of violations of the law and/or Innovak Global policies.
- Carrying out evaluations addressed to concrete any merger or acquisition.
- Contacting appointed people to be reached in case of emergency.
- Statistical analyses and surveys about the hiring process quality.
- Budget and hiring planning.
- Authentication of the person and access control.
- Regarding your image, photograph, video, or recording of the person, to capture evidence of the participation in events, training, seminars, workshops; presence in
Innovak Global facilities, attendance, evidence of the recreative activities in which you participate as well as recreation, integration or celebration activities which include your family, beneficiaries, or people of your close circle who are participating in such activities and/or facilities of Innovak Global or the designed for the development of the same.
We only process applicants and candidates’ personal data:
- With the purpose of taking special measures upon request of the Applicant, before entering into an agreement, in case of being admissible or viable, that are compatible and in accordance with the principles and objectives of the company;
- When it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which the company or the pertinent Innovak Global companies are subject to guarantee the compliance of applicable laws and labor regulations and social security.
- When it is necessary for Innovak Global legitimate commercial interests (such as guaranteeing the compliance of legal obligations different from those related to employment and social security, the protection of Innovak Global assets, employees, and commissioners’ reputation), except when the Applicant’s interests or rights or fundamental liberties prevail over said interests; or
Verification of the applicants
We carry out an initial verification of all the applicants to whom we have the intention to make an employment, collaboration, or internship offer (as the case may be) and before any offer is completed, with the purposes of:
- Reviewing the information the Applicant provides during the verification/interview process. This includes the review of information with current or previous employers and with educational institutions. No measures shall be taken in this regard until the applicant confirms such a review can be made.
- Making a verification of the Applicants using sanction lists publicly available or issued by the government, and with journalistic sources. This has the purpose of complying with the legal obligations to protect Innovak Global assets, and the employees/commissioners, and specifically to guarantee Innovak Global can comply with the commercial control, money laundering prevention or bribery or corruption laws, as well as other legal requirements.
Automized decision-making and profiles creation
All the Applicants shall answer the necessary questions to guarantee they may legally enter into an agreement with an Innovak Global company if your employment request is approved.
In those cases in which the processing is based on consent and except this processing is subject to local regulation establishing the contrary, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time. This does not affect the validity of the processing prior to the withdrawal of consent.
Mechanism to state refusal.
In case you do not agree your data are used for the mentioned secondary purposes, you may state your refusal by sending an email to [email protected] indicating your name and mentioning the secondary purposes from which you desire to be excluded, prior to the processing of your personal data or within a maximum term of 5 working days counted as of the date in which you provided Innovak Global your personal data.
Transference of your personal data.
Your personal data shall not be transferred to third parties without your consent unless exceptions established in the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in the Possession of Private Parties (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares).
If your personal data has been transferred to Innovak Global companies or its use has been authorized by authorized third parties outside the country, we shall adopt organizational, contractual, and legal measures to guarantee the processing of your personal data to be exclusively for the purposes previously mentioned and for the appropriate protection levels to be implemented in order to safeguard your personal data.
Why do we process your personal data?
Because the personal data referred to in this Privacy Policy are necessary to carry out the capture of information which allows us to meet our candidates as the new talents, promotion, and improvement of our employees, carry out the necessary procedures before the authorities in matter of labor and social security, the necessary procedures of the commercial transactions derived from the purchase of products or services we prove, as well as to maintain contact and commercial dealings with the people interested in the same, whether in person and/or by electronic means such as our website, applications, or social media which Innovak Global uses or participates in.
Additionally, they are necessary because Innovak Global needs to comply with its various legal obligations for which it is responsible according to its line of business.
Your rights regarding your personal data and how to exercise them.
Means to exercise access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition rights (hereinafter, “ARCO Rights”).
At any time, you may have Access to your personal data; Rectify them in case they cease to be exact, complete, pertinent, correct, or are outdated; Cancel them if you consider they are no longer necessary for the purposes established in this Privacy Policy, or Oppose the processing of your personal data for the specific purposes that are not necessary for your legal relationship with Innovak Global.
Any request to exercise the ARCO Rights shall be made through a form available through this mean and contained and be accompanied by the following (i) “ARCO Request” express indication or in its case, a “Consent Revocation”; (ii) Holder’s full name and the mean by which Innovak Global may communicate the Holder the answer to the request; (iii) a clear and precise description of the Data object of the Holder’s request in respect of which the Holder desires to exercise any of his previously mentioned rights; and (iv) any other element or document that facilitates the Data localization.
The rectification requests shall include the supporting documents justifying its provenance and relevance for its admission, as well as establishing the modification to be carried out.
Once the request is received, an acknowledgment of receipt shall be sent to you with the corresponding folio number and the reception date. In case your request does not comply with the necessary requirements, you will be notified within 5 (five) working days subsequent to its reception, so you rectify your request in a period of 10 (ten) working days; if you fail to do so, the same shall be deemed as not presented.
In case your request has been sent on Friday or in a non-working day, it shall be deemed received the following working day. Once rectified, we shall have a maximum period of 20 (twenty) working days to analyze your request and send you the corresponding answer. If the answer includes, in its case, the measures to be taken, we shall have a maximum period of 15 (fifteen) working days. We will send you our answer to the email indicated by you.
In case the request is admissible and appropriate in accordance with the Law and other current regulations, you shall be granted access to your data or these shall be rectified or canceled, prior to its blocking in the cases it is admissible, or your right to opposition shall be made effective or your consent shall be deemed revoked for the processing of your personal data, within the 15 (fifteen) working days subsequent to the date in which the answer to your request is provided. This period may be extended by 15 (fifteen) additional working days when reasonable causes exist; likewise, you shall be promptly notified of this situation.
In any cases in which your request is admissible and appropriate, the answer shall be free, as long as it is conducted through the email indicated for such purposes. In case you require the information to be differently handed to you, you shall solely cover the administrative recovery expenses quoted for the cost of preparing the materials for your answer in copies or other forms generated in conformity with your request.
For the exercise of ARCO Rights, you shall address your respective request through the corresponding form and personally deliver it to the Innovak Global Personal Data Department, at the address Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Zip Code 31375, in working days (from Monday to Friday) within a schedule from 8:00 to 18:00 hours (Chihuahua, Chih. time zone, GMT-6) or through the following email: [email protected]
Consent revocation mechanism and procedure.
You may request the consent revocation for the processing of your personal data as long as a legal provision does not prevent it and you may submit your request to the email: [email protected] stating your name and desire to revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data previously granted which shall be handled by the Innovak Global Personal Data Department at the address Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Zip Code 31375, in working days (from Monday to Friday) within a schedule from 8:00 to 18:00 hours (Chihuahua, Chih. time zone, GMT-6) which will assist you as described in the ARCO Rights section.
Innovak Global agrees to protect and limit the use or disclosure of your personal data.
Security of your personal data
We have implemented technology and rules to protect your privacy against improper use and unauthorized access. Particularly, we may use encryption in some of our services, we apply an authentication and verification process for access to Innovak Global services, and we regularly test, assess and evaluate the effectiveness of our security measures.
Your personal data are exclusively processed for the mentioned purposes and shall only be shared when it is strictly necessary with:
- Other Innovak Global companies, including the ones that may be located outside the country;
- Third-party authorized companies in cooperation with Innovak Global that may supply products and/or services to the users of the Innovak Global Loyalty Applications and Programs;
- Authorized service suppliers that participate in mobile payments;
- A competent public authority, government, regulatory authority, of control, investigation or tax, when necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation to which the company or pertinent Innovak Global companies are subject, or to the extent the applicable legislation allows; or
- Any person to whom Innovak Global proposes to transfer any of its rights and/or obligations.
Security of transactions and fraud prevention, detection, and investigation.
If you use a mobile payment application to receive the payment of your benefits by Innovak Global, is possible that additional personal data will be requested to complete
the transaction. We may use the personal data you provided in order to prevent, detect, and investigate fraud, and to apply the terms and conditions of the mobile payment application.
We may share some information with the service suppliers involved in mobile payments (such as PayPal). These data include, among others, your IP address, the ID or Unique Device Identifier, the loyalty card number for the purposes previously specified, as well as for points accumulation, the device type, geolocation information, connection information (e.g., Wi-Fi) and the mobile net information.
What are the consequences of not providing my personal data?
The personal data requested and provided by the Applicants are necessary to comply with the legal requirements and/or are necessary to sign an agreement with you (or, in the case of a commissioner, with his employer/service supplier). In case you do not provide the required information, which is limited to the necessary for these purposes, you will have fewer possibilities of being chosen for potential employment, hiring, or internships.
Mechanism’s use in remote or local electronic communication media. Cookies and similar technologies.
Innovak Global uses cookies and similar technologies with the purpose of gathering and preserving information when you visit an Innovak Global Website or Application. This will allow Innovak Global to identify your Internet browser and gather data about the website’s use, which webpages you visit, the visits’ duration, and identify this information when you return to improve your website browsing experience. You may control and administer your cookies preferences by adjusting the settings of your browser or using the cookies preferences tool of Innovak Global on its Websites.
Interacting with Innovak Global through social media.
If you choose to interact with Innovak Global through a social media page of Innovak Global (“Innovak Global Social Media”) such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn, your personal data (such as your name, profile picture, and the fact that you are interested in Innovak Global) will be visible for all the visitors of your personal website, depending of your privacy settings in the corresponding social media platform, and will also be visible for Innovak Global.
You may delete any information shared on these websites at any time through your account on the corresponding social media platform. Innovak Global does not keep track of your activity on the different websites of the social media you use. If you send a message to Innovak Global by any messaging service using the social media platform, these messages do not remain beyond a month after their reception. Reach Innovak
Global if you desire to make a request for an action you cannot complete on your own and that is related to Innovak Global social media.
In addition, and to the extent Innovak Global is jointly responsible with a social media platform of an Innovak Global social media account, Innovak Global shall have access, through the social media platform to aggregated data that provide statistics and information that help to comprehend the kind of actions you perform on the Innovak Global social media. To obtain more information about how your personal data are processed on these social media platforms verify the privacy policies and/or notices of such platforms, including advertisements you may receive, and verify the privacy settings to which you may access through your corresponding social media platform account.
This Privacy Policy is updated throughout time. Changes in this Privacy Policy.
This Privacy Policy was updated by Innovak Global on September 25, 2023, in the city of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico at the address Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Zip Code 31375.
Innovak Global, S.A. de C.V., with address at Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Zip Code 31375, (Innovak Global), is responsible for and will process your personal data, whether exclusively or jointly with Innovak Global affiliated companies.
What does this Privacy policy cover?
This Privacy policy provides information about the processing of your personal data when using through the surveillance system and which categories of personal data may be gathered by Innovak Global within its facilities and perimeter; informs about the processing of your image for surveillance and security both yours and of any other person inside our facilities and perimeter boundaries in the reach range of Innovak Global security cameras and equipment.
Special notice: if you are a minor. Processing of children’s personal data.
Images captured by our security systems at the interior and exterior of our properties and facilities do not make adistinction between the ages of the people that circulate around the security systems and equipment capture range. Therefore, attendance to the facilities is only permitted to adult people, or minors who go, with prior authorization of their parents or guardians, accompanied by one or several adults.
In that case, minors’ images captured by the security cameras shall always be subject to additional security measures and protocols that guarantee the minors’ rights.
What personal data do we process about you?
The personal data we obtain and process are the images of your person.
The images, in these cases, are biometric Personal Data of sensitive character, as they allow the identification of an individual through a non-transferable physical characteristic, and make it possible to differentiate a human being from another. This consists of capturing: your appearance, complexion, clothing or accessories, and the bodily expressions and movements you make in the range of capture of images of the security cameras and equipment of the company, making it possible to know the date, time, and specific place in which they were captured.
How do we obtain your personal data?
Through video surveillance cameras installed at the interior and exterior of Innovak Global facilities.
What are the purposes for the processing of your personal data?
As the legal purpose of the previously mentioned personal data processing, they shall be used to protect the integrity and security of the employees and citizens that physically go to our facilities. Likewise, as a security and surveillance control measure regarding the form in which the previously mentioned behave inside the facilities, their surroundings, or proximities, it allows the identification of people who come in, are, remain, and exit from the same. The personal data we gather shall be exclusively used for the security of the video-surveilled zone, or else, for similar or compatible purposes and for the following:
- Procuring the security and integrity of the people, facilities, goods, and information inside Innovak Global facilities and its perimeter zone.
- Reinforcement of the control mechanisms in the facilities’ entrances and exits.
- Verification of the standard compliance, guidelines, or security measures at the interior of the facilities and zones which might be risk places, improvement in evacuation protocols, surveillance, and personnel protection in machinery, warehouses, containers, and high-risk zones.
- Improvement of the security measures in the matter of civil protection to guarantee an efficient answer before the potential presence of disruptive phenomena, threats, unforeseeable and major events, caused by agents or factors generated due to work and/or non-authorized entries or visits by external personnel.
- As evidence in case of the commission of crimes, in accordance with the provisions of the corresponding laws and authorities.
We shall not use your personal data for other purposes different from the indicated, that is, there shall not be secondary purposes in the processing of the same.
Exception for personal data processing.
The personal data gathered by the security cameras may be processed without the holder’s consent, except if the holder exercises his ARCO Rights and if admissible he shall be notified. The exceptions for personal data processing include national security public order provisions, public security and health, or the protection of third-party rights, as established by the second paragraph of article 16 of the United Mexican States Political Constitution.
Transference of your personal data.
Your personal data shall not be transferred to third parties without your consent unless exceptions established in the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in the Possession of Private Parties (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares).
If your personal data has been transferred to Innovak Global companies or its use has been authorized by authorized third parties outside the country, we shall adopt organizational, contractual, and legal measures to guarantee the processing of your personal data to be exclusively for the purposes previously mentioned and for the appropriate protection levels to be implemented in order to safeguard your personal data.
Why do we process your personal data?
Because personal data referred to in this Privacy Policy are necessary to maintain the security and integrity of the personnel, the facilities, and the goods property of Innovak Global.
Additionally, they are necessary because Innovak Global needs to comply with its various legal obligations for which it is responsible according to its line of business.
Your rights regarding your personal data and how to exercise them.
Means to exercise access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition rights (hereinafter, “ARCO Rights”).
At any time, you may have Access to your personal data; Rectify them in case they cease to be exact, complete, pertinent, correct, or are outdated; Cancel them if you consider they are no longer necessary for the purposes established in this Privacy Policy, or Oppose the processing of your personal data for the specific purposes that are not necessary for your legal relationship with Innovak Global.
Any request to exercise the ARCO Rights shall be made through a form available through this mean and contained and be accompanied by the following:
- “ARCO Request” express indication or in its case, a “Consent Revocation”;
- Holder’s full name and the mean by which Innovak Global may communicate the Holder the answer to the request;
- a clear and precise description of the Data object of the Holder’s request in respect of which the Holder desires to exercise any of his previously mentioned rights; and
- any other element or document that facilitates the Data localization.
The rectification requests shall include the supporting documents justifying its provenance and relevance for its admission, as well as establishing the modification to be carried out.
Once the request is received, an acknowledgment of receipt shall be sent to you with the corresponding folio number and the reception date. In case your request does not comply with the necessary requirements, you will be notified within 5 (five) working days subsequent to its reception, so you rectify your request in a period of 10 (ten) working days; if you fail to do so, the same shall be deemed as not presented.
In case your request has been sent on Friday or in a non-working day, it shall be deemed received the following working day. Once rectified, we shall have a maximum period of 20 (twenty) working days to analyze your request and send you the corresponding answer. If the answer includes, in its case, the measures to be taken, we shall have a maximum period of 15 (fifteen) working days. We will send you our answer to the email indicated by you.
In case the request is admissible and appropriate in accordance with the Law and other current regulations, you shall be granted access to your data or these shall be rectified or canceled, prior to its blocking in the cases it is admissible, or your right to opposition shall be made effective or your consent shall be deemed revoked for the processing of your personal data, within the 15 (fifteen) working days subsequent to the date in which the answer to your request is provided. This period may be extended by 15 (fifteen) additional working days when reasonable causes exist; likewise, you shall be promptly notified of this situation.
In any cases in which your request is admissible and appropriate, the answer shall be free, as long as it is conducted through the email indicated for such purposes. In case you require the information to be differently handed to you, you shall solely cover the administrative recovery expenses quoted for the cost of preparing the materials for your answer in copies or other forms generated in conformity with your request.
For the exercise of ARCO Rights, you shall address your respective request through the corresponding form and personally deliver it to the Innovak Global Personal Data Department, at the address Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Zip Code 31375, in working days (from Monday to Friday) within a schedule from 8:00 to 18:00 hours (Chihuahua, Chih. time zone, GMT-6) or through the following email:
[email protected]
Consent revocation mechanism and procedure.
You may request the consent revocation for the processing of your personal data as long as a legal provision does not prevent it and you may submit your request to the email: [email protected] stating your name and desire to revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data previously granted which shall be handled by the Innovak Global Personal Data Department at the address Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Zip Code 31375, in working days (from Monday to Friday) within a schedule from 8:00 to 18:00 hours (Chihuahua, Chih. time zone, GMT-6) which will assist you as described in the ARCO Rights section.
Security of your personal data
We have implemented technology and rules to protect your privacy against improper use and unauthorized access. Particularly, we may use encryption in some of our services, we apply an authentication and verification process for access to Innovak Global services, and we regularly test, assess and evaluate the effectiveness of our security measures.
Your personal data are exclusively processed for the mentioned purposes and shall only be shared when it is strictly necessary with:
- Other Innovak Global companies
- A competent public authority, government, regulatory authority, of control, investigation or tax, when necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation to which the company or pertinent Innovak Global companies are subject to, or to the extent the applicable legislation allows; or (SIC)
Changes in this Privacy Policy.
This Privacy Policy was updated by Innovak Global on September 25, 2023, in the city of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico at the address Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Zip Code 31375.
Innovak Global, S.A. de C.V., with address at Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Zip Code 31375, (Innovak Global), is responsible for and will process your personal data, whether exclusively or jointly with Innovak Global affiliates.
What does this Privacy policy cover?
This Privacy policy provides information about the processing of your personal data when offering and organizing events, workshops, courses, and conferences, therefore, this Integral Privacy Policy is available. It has been made in conformity with the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in the Possession of Private Parties (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares) and its secondary regulation.
Processing of children’s personal data. Special consideration in case of being under 16 years old.
If you are under 16 years old and desire to request or participate in an education or innovation event sponsored by Innovak Global.
Except for those cases in which Innovak Global organizes educational events specifically designed for children, we do not intentionally gather personal data of people under 16 years old. If you are under 16 years old, do not send us your personal data, for example, your name, address, and email. If you desire to reach Innovak Global in a form that requires you to send your personal data (for example, for educational or innovation events), you shall request your parent or guardian to do it on his own behalf.
What personal data do we process about you?
- Information you provide us as a participant in events, courses, workshops, symposia, and any other Innovak Global publicity and dissemination events: Full name, personal email, business email, place of work, sex, and nationality.
- When you create an account profile in any Innovak Global application, we will ask you to specify your name, email address, and gender (in order for us to provide you with the appropriate treatment, but you are under no obligation to provide this information), your contact preferences, and the information necessary to answer the security questions.
- Information gathered through social media pages: It is possible we receive your personal data, such as username, profile picture, birthplace, email address, and sex when you communicate with us through an Innovak Global Social Media Page (for example, when you comment, share, or react to a post with events, courses, job offers, promotions, congresses, seminars, post a video or audio, send a personal message or subscribe to an Innovak Global social media page). We will use any data received through social media in accordance with the policy or privacy policy of the same.
- Personal data considered as sensitive (hereinafter they shall be deemed included when referring to “Personal Data”): We gather your nationality or racial or ethnic origin data.
How do we obtain your personal data?
Personally and directly in events where you provide us with your registration:
- through instant messaging applications
- through physical forms
- through web forms
- through our official social media
- through videoconference or virtual meeting platforms
- via email
- via telephone
What are the purposes for the processing of your personal data?
- Maintaining contact and business dealings with the people interested in our products or services, whether in person and/or by electronic means such as our website, applications, or social media which Innovak Global uses or participates in.
- Guaranteeing the security of people and the facilities, protecting the property and rights of Innovak Global and other related companies; as well as the confidential information of Innovak Global and other related companies.
- Granting recognitions, diplomas, certificates, or any other method of certification for participating in courses, conferences, workshops, or events.
- Statistical analysis and surveys about the quality of the hiring process.
- Person authentication and access control.
- Handle complaints, suggestions, queries, and any comments regarding our courses, workshops, and conference services.
- Contacting you to send information about the events and activities you have requested.
- Providing information about our events, workshops, courses, and conferences.
In those cases where the processing is based on consent and except this processing is subject to a local regulation establishing the opposite, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time. This shall not affect the processing validity prior to your consent removal.
Additionally, we may process your data for a secondary purpose when they are closely related, for example:
- Submission of information about new courses, events, news, and other content regarding our formation and continuous improvement campaigns.
- Submission of our electronic newsletter.
- Offering promotions at the interior of Innovak Global, including digital rewards to recognize you as outstanding talent.
If you have provided your consent for receiving communications from Innovak Global, you may receive offers to participate adapted to your preferences in function of the information gathered about you through the previously described sources with the purpose of offering the best opportunities every time more personalized.
We may send you updates and notifications of the platforms or applications you have registered for without your previous consent only in case such updates or notifications are necessary for the correct functioning of the Applications or other Innovak Global services you use.
You may receive relevant communications through different channels, and you may update your subscription preferences in the settings of your personal profile at any moment or use the subscription cancellation function for different digital channels.
Mechanism to state refusal.
In case you do not agree your data are used for the mentioned secondary purposes, you may state your refusal by sending an email to [email protected] indicating your name and mentioning the secondary purposes from which you desire to be excluded, prior to the processing of your personal data or within a maximum term of 5 working days counted as of the date in which you provided Innovak Global your personal data.
Transference of your personal data.
Your personal data shall not be transferred to third parties without your consent unless exceptions established in the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in the Possession of Private Parties.
If your personal data have been transferred to Innovak Global or its use has been authorized by authorized third parties outside the country, we shall adopt organizational, contractual, and legal measures to guarantee the processing of your personal data to be exclusively for the purposes previously mentioned and for the appropriate protection levels to be implemented in order to safeguard your personal data.
Why do we process your personal data?
Because they are necessary for Innovak Global to have control of the people participating in events, workshops, courses, and conferences organized by Innovak Global and provide the necessary for the appropriate fulfillment of the same.
Additionally, they are necessary because Innovak Global needs to comply with its various legal obligations for which it is responsible according to its line of business.
We inform you we do not gather or process sensitive personal data of our participants in events, workshops, courses, and conferences, therefore it is not necessary for you to state your express consent for the processing of these in this document.
Except you exercise any of your Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, or Opposition (ARCO), restrict the use or revoke the consent for the processing of your personal data, we consider that you accept the provisions in this Integral Privacy Policy.
Your rights regarding your personal data and how to exercise them.
Means to exercise access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition rights (hereinafter, “ARCO Rights”).
At any time, you may have Access to your personal data; Rectify them in case they cease to be exact, complete, pertinent, correct, or are outdated; Cancel them if you consider they are no longer necessary for the purposes established in this Privacy Policy, or Oppose the processing of your personal data for the specific purposes that are not necessary for your legal relationship with Innovak Global.
Any request to exercise the ARCO Rights shall be made through a form available through this mean and contained and be accompanied by the following:
- (i) “ARCO Request” express indication or in its case, a “Consent Revocation”;
- (ii) Holder’s full name and the mean by which Innovak Global may communicate the Holder the answer to the request;
- (iii) a clear and precise description of the Data object of the Holder’s request in respect of which the Holder
desires to exercise any of his previously mentioned rights; and - (iv) any other element or document that facilitates the Data localization.
The rectification requests shall include the supporting documents justifying its provenance and relevance for its admission, as well as establishing the modification to be carried out.
Once the request is received, an acknowledgment of receipt shall be sent to you with the corresponding folio number and the reception date. In case your request does not comply with the necessary requirements, you will be notified within 5 (five) working days subsequent to its reception, so you rectify your request in a period of 10 (ten) working days; if you fail to do so, the same shall be deemed as not presented.
In case your request has been sent on Friday or in a non-working day, it shall be deemed received the following working day. Once rectified, we shall have a maximum period of 20 (twenty) working days to analyze your request and send you the corresponding answer. If the answer includes, in its case, the measures to be taken, we shall have a maximum period of 15 (fifteen) working days. We will send you our answer to the email indicated by you.
In case the request is admissible and appropriate in accordance with the Law and other current regulations, you shall be granted access to your data or these shall be rectified or canceled, prior to its blocking in the cases it is admissible, or your right to opposition shall be made effective or your consent shall be deemed revoked for the processing of your personal data, within the 15 (fifteen) working days subsequent to the date in which the answer to your request is provided. This period may be extended by 15 (fifteen) additional working days when reasonable causes exist; likewise, you shall be promptly notified of this situation.
In any cases in which your request is admissible and appropriate, the answer shall be free, as long as it is conducted through the email indicated for such purposes. In case you require the information to be differently handed to you, you shall solely cover the administrative recovery expenses quoted for the cost of preparing the materials for your answer in copies or other forms generated in conformity with your request.
For the exercise of ARCO Rights, you shall address your respective request through the corresponding form and personally deliver it to the Innovak Global Personal Data Department, at the address Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Zip Code 31375, in working days (from Monday to Friday) within a schedule from 8: 00 to 18: 00 hours (Chihuahua, Chih. time zone, GMT-6) or through the following email: [email protected]
Consent revocation mechanism and procedure.
You may request the consent revocation for the processing of your personal data as long as a legal provision does not prevent it and you may submit your request to the email: [email protected] stating your
name and desire to revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data previously granted which shall be handled by the Innovak Global Personal Data Department at the address Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La
Concordia, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Zip Code 31375, in working days (from Monday to Friday) within a schedule from 8: 00 to 18: 00 hours (Chihuahua, Chih. time zone, GMT-6) which will assist you as described in the ARCO Rights section.
Mechanism’s use in remote or local electronic communication media. Cookies and similar technologies.
Innovak Global uses cookies and similar technologies with the purpose of gathering and preserving information when you visit an Innovak Global Website or Application. This will allow Innovak Global to identify your Internet browser and gather data about the website’s use, which webpages you visit, the visits’ duration, and identify this information when you return to improve your website browsing experience. You may control and administer your cookies preferences by adjusting the settings of your browser or using the cookies preferences tool of Innovak Global on its Websites.
Interacting with Innovak Global through social media.
If you choose to interact with Innovak Global through a social media page of Innovak Global (“Innovak Global Social Media”) such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn, your personal data (such as your name, profile picture, and the fact that you are interested in Innovak Global) will be visible for all the visitors of your personal website, depending of your privacy settings in the corresponding social media platform, and will also be visible for Innovak Global.
You may delete any information shared on these websites at any time through your account on the corresponding social media platform. Innovak Global does not keep track of your activity on the different websites of the social media you use. If you send a message to Innovak Global by any messaging service using the social media platform, these messages do not remain beyond a month after their reception. Reach Innovak Global if you desire to make a request for an action you cannot complete on your own and that is related to Innovak Global social media.
In addition, and to the extent Innovak Global is jointly responsible with a social media platform of an Innovak Global social media account, Innovak Global shall have access, through the social media platform to aggregated data that provide statistics and information that help to comprehend the kind of actions you perform on the Innovak Global social media. To obtain more information about how your personal data are processed on these social media platforms verify the privacy policies and/or notices of such platforms, including advertisements you may receive, and verify the privacy settings to which you may access through your corresponding social media platform account.
This Privacy Policy is updated throughout time. Changes in this Privacy Policy.
This Privacy Policy was updated on September 25, 2023, in the city of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico at the address Blvd. Vicente Lombardo Toledano 6615, Col. La Concordia, Zip Code 31375.