
    "info": {
      "cabecera": {
        "titulo": "OUR ROOTS",
        "texto": "We develop and market BIOSTIMULANTS that solve critical crop problems, we are leaders in the development of BIO-RATIONAL SOLUTIONS for agriculture. At the root we focus on our objectives, technologies and the philosophy shared with the farmer, of producing healthy crops with excellence, taking care of the health of the land and respecting the environment.",
        "imagen": "",
        "video": "",
        "menu": {
          "quienesSomosTitulo": "WHO WE ARE",
          "tecnologiasTitulo": "TECHNOLOGIES",
          "certificacionesTitulo": "CERTIFICATIONS",
          "evolucionTitulo": "SUSTAINABLE EVOLUTION"
      "inicio": {
        "quienesTitulo": "WHO WE ARE?",
        "quienesTexto": "We are proud to be the company with the most extensive experience in BIOSTIMULATION FROM THE ROOT, contributing to the production of healthy crops in balance with nature; We are internationally recognized as a LEADER IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIO-RATIONAL SOLUTIONS with a focus on improving food quality and crop productivity. With a presence of almost 70 years in technical agriculture, at Innovak we conceive, DEVELOP AND MARKET BIOSTIMULANTS that solve critical crop problems. It is FROM THE ROOT where we focus on our objectives, technologies and the philosophy shared with the farmer, to produce healthy crops with excellence, care for the health of the land and respect the environment. We are a company with solid roots, with productive roots, and with Mexican roots.",
        "misionTitulo": "MISSION",
        "misionText": "At Innovak Global we develop and market biostimulant, biorational products and differentiated technologies to contribute to sustainable agriculture.",
        "visionTitulo": "VISION",
        "visionText": "To be the company with the largest market share in the biostimulant products segment in Latin America.",
        "valoresTitulo": "VALUES",
        "nuestrasRaicesTitulo": "OUR ROOTS OVER TIME"
      "tecnologias": {
        "titulo": "TECHNOLOGIES",
        "subTitulo": "At Innovak Global we integrate three innovative technologies developed internally in favor of sustainable agriculture:",
        "tecnologias": [
            "imagen": "",
            "descripcion": "ECCA Carboxy is the Eco-technology for obtaining Aromatic Carboxy Compounds with a biostimulant effect.",
            "link": "/intl/nuestras-raices/ecca-carboxy"
            "imagen": "",
            "descripcion": "RDR (Root Dynamics Regulation) is a technology focused on the root and its environment to maximize crop productivity in a sustainable manner.",
            "link": "/intl/nuestras-raices/rdr"
            "imagen": "",
            "descripcion": "PFENERGY It is a technology created from polyphenols, generating sustainable options to mitigate stress, increase rhizospheric activity, improve nutrient absorption and generate greater productivity and quality.",
            "link": "/intl/nuestras-raices/pfenergy"
      "certificaciones": {
        "certificacionesReconocimientoTitulo": "CERTIFICATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS",
        "certificacionesTitulo": "CERTIFICATIONS",
        "distintivosTitulo": "DISTINCTIVES",
        "reconocimientosTitulo": "RECOGNITIONS"
      "evolucionSustentable": {
        "texto": "Food demand, the impact of climate change and the need for sustainable agriculture play a crucial role in technological innovation. Innovak Global focuses its objectives and technology on a philosophy that is shared with the farmer: PRODUCE healthy crops WITH EXCELLENCE, take care of the health of the land and RESPECTING THE ENVIRONMENT in its various aspects.",
        "video": ""
    "certificaciones": [
        "img": "",
        "title": "BIOAGRICERT",
        "description": "It is an international certifier that guarantees organic producers the certainty of efficient and reliable certification processes, ensuring the consumer public a product backed by the quality of its seal."
        "img": "",
        "title": "OMRI",
        "description": "It is a certifying body that offers an independent review for branded products to be used as inputs in organic agriculture and processing. OMRI standards are based on the United States National Organic Program (NOP) and Canadian Organic Regime (COR) standards."
    "distintivos": [
        "img": "",
        "description": "We are a company that promotes well-being. At Innovak Global, we care about the well-being of our collaborators. We continuously manage the organizational processes of recruitment, induction, operation, feedback and personal development with specific positive practices to generate well-being in workers while increasing the productivity and profitability of our company. The Institute of Comprehensive Wellbeing Sciences by TecMilenio is responsible for carrying out the evaluation process for the management of the Wellbeing Factor distinctive each year."
        "img": "",
        "title": "ESR",
        "description": "Innovak Global is proudly a socially responsible company, generating commitment in policies, programs, decision-making and actions that benefit not only the business itself, but also generates positive impact on the people, the environment and the communities in which we operate, beyond our obligations, meeting your expectations."
    "reconocimientos": [
        "title": "2017 - Chihuahua Distinction Commitment to Competitiveness",
        "description": "Awarded to organizations that have reached an acceptable basic quality level, in the evaluation of their operational and administrative systems, based on the National Model for Competitiveness (SMEs or large companies). This recognition is granted to organizations that have sufficient quality elements and only in their first year of participation."
        "title": "2017 - Chihuahua Award for Competitiveness",
        "description": "It is awarded to participating organizations that achieve the highest score in the annual evaluation, based on the National Competitiveness Model or the Model for Competitive MSMEs and have 3 years of experience in quality management systems."
        "title": "2018 - Distinctive Chihuahua improvement towards Competitiveness",
        "description": "It is awarded to organizations that in the competition cycle achieve the highest improvement score in a total quality management system with respect to the previous cycle. To obtain this recognition, participation in at least two continuous editions is essential."
        "title": "2018 - Competitive Company",
        "description": "Awarded to companies that have consecutively participated in the Chihuahua Model for Competitiveness and that have in turn demonstrated improvement by generating competitive value for their stakeholders."
        "title": "2019 - National Export Award",
        "description": "Category: Large Agricultural Exporting Companies. Awarded by the Ministry of Economy of Mexico for being synonymous with global competitiveness and an engine of the country's economic growth."
    "valores": [
        "img": "",
        "title": "SERVICE",
        "description": "Provide maximum support, with humility and simplicity, to exceed the expectations of our internal and external clients, in a teamwork environment."
        "img": "",
        "title": "INTEGRITY",
        "description": "Maintain coherence between what we think, say and how we act. Speak the truth and be honest. Foster justice and equity."
        "img": "",
        "title": "PASSION",
        "description": "Love and unconditional dedication to what we do. Work hard, with persistence and the courage to finish what we start."
        "img": "",
        "title": "INNOVATION",
        "description": "Generate new ideas to do things differently and break paradigms. Get inspired, because it's okay to make mistakes but it's not okay not to try."
        "img": "",
        "title": "TRANSCENDENCE",
        "description": "Leave a mark on this world and give meaning to our work, to positively influence sustainable agriculture."
    "revolucionItems": [
        "img": "",
        "text": "Soil conditioning, greater use of water."
        "img": "",
        "text": "In each gram more absorption, in each root more yield."
        "img": "",
        "text": "A vital and pure soil, to ensure our future."
        "img": "",
        "text": "Prevents, protects and repairs. Defense against adverse climates."
    "lineaDelTiempo": [
        "date": "1954",
        "description": "Representaciones Industriales S.A. is born. of C.V. dedicated to marketing machinery, industrial equipment, industrial treatment for wood, cellulose and water softeners. (These two companies were a direct antecedent for the emergence of Productos Químicos de Chihuahua, S.A. de C.V.)",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1955",
        "description": "The Agricultural and Industrial Analysis Laboratory, S.A. is created. of C.V. in partnership with Mr. Joseph L. Hearn to offer soil and water testing services.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1957",
        "description": "Don Vicente Medina Holguín founded Productos Químicos de Chihuahua, S.A de C.V. formulating and marketing industrial cleaning products.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1961",
        "description": "Don Vicente, in search of alternative materials with descaling properties, finds bibliographic references of experiments carried out in Russia on the use of organic acids with chelating properties from agricultural husks.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1962",
        "description": "After studying these references, some processes were designed to obtain different extracts and with this, experiments were carried out to test their descaling capacity in the process of washing bottles and washing machines. As a result of these investigations, an extract called TOG was defined, which although it showed a certain descaling capacity, was not effective enough to be positioned as a solution.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1967",
        "description": "The young student Luis Roberto Medina, who was studying chemical engineering, directs the reorientation of the products industry.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1970",
        "description": "Launch of a new line of products called Prochelates, which are chelated micronutrients for foliar application. This new line of products promotes entry into the agricultural sector.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1973",
        "description": "Creation of the first soil conditioner called Promesol, to address the problems of salinization and compaction. Consolidation of the offer of agricultural products and the launch of PROQUISA as a brand in the agricultural sector.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1974",
        "description": "PROQUISA enters the United States market, exporting Promesol to CSI Chemical, becoming one of the first chemical machining companies in Mexico with an export permit.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1984",
        "description": "Presence in Spain and Italy begins.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1985",
        "description": "Together with CSI Chemical, the first organic calcium is designed, called Nutrical.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1987",
        "description": "Productos Químicos de Chihuahua links up with the University of Arkansas to test the hypothesis underlying the technology based on carboxylic acids, their modes of action and the physiological effects of the different TOG fractions.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1990",
        "description": "ECCA Carboxy technology is born, triggering a new product portfolio due to the validation of hypotheses of the TOG fractions as well as the emergence of new discoveries about its use and specific applications that solve problems in agriculture. Launch of the Carboxy line.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1992",
        "description": "Formulation of the first Packhard foliar biostimulant.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1993",
        "description": "Positioning of ECCA Carboxy technology in the market through a network of technical and commercial advisors that consolidate a differentiated technology transfer process; under a field demonstration scheme.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "1994",
        "description": "Nutrical exports to Japan begin, marketed under the name Cal Plus. ECCA Carboxy is applied in fertigation directly to the roots. Due to the incursion of drip irrigation into the agricultural market, the physiological effects of ECCA Carboxy are experienced in plants when applied directly to the roots.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "2002",
        "description": "Launch of Nutrisorb as a biostimulant activating the root for nutrient assimilation.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "2003",
        "description": "ExuRoot is born as an inducer of root exudates.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "2005",
        "description": "New technology: Introduction of the Root Dynamics Regulation Technology (RDR), where the company is established as a root specialist and a specialized line of biological products for root conditioning and its environment is born. Launch of the new INNOVAK GLOBAL brand.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "2007",
        "description": "Luis Román Medina, third generation of the Medina family, assumes management of the company. Development of new solutions based on ecca fractions in combination with synthetic hormones (Radigrow and Selecto XL).",
        "background": ""
        "date": "2008",
        "description": "Obtaining the international 'Biogricert' certification for various products for their application in organic agriculture.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "2010",
        "description": "Purchase of a microbiological products laboratory in Colombia and distributor in Peru, which strengthens the subsidiary companies.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "2013",
        "description": "Innovak Global evolves its Biofit programs to a new 'Ready-to-Use' version named Biofit RTU, as a soluble powder that concentrates all components in one formulation, with a simplified application method.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "2014",
        "description": "Innovak Global continues with the institutionalization process, reconfiguring its organizational structure and appoints Dr. Alberto Araujo as the new General Director and together with him, the management team is strengthened, as well as strategic positions, preparing for the future.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "2016",
        "description": "OMRI certification is obtained for several microbiological products.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "2017",
        "description": "Consolidation of internationalization efforts with entry into Brazil, France and Ecuador (among others). Relaunch of RDR as Root Technology.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "2019",
        "description": "Launch of the crop protection line. Balox is born as a biostimulant against salt stress.",
        "background": ""
        "date": "2021",
        "description": "Rhizoxfera Ts receives the award for the most innovative project at the Biostimulants World Congress.",
        "background": ""