"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/promesolca.png",
"title": "Promesol Ca+",
"text": "Soil conditioner",
"description": "Promesol® Ca+ is a formulation based on extracts concentrated in ECCA Carboxy ® agricultural husks that helps protect the crop against saline stress, generates a good physical soil structure to promote root growth and humidity and aeration conditions. ",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Promesol-CA+",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/promesol-Ca-A.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "The ECCA Carboxy® fraction contained in the product facilitates the supply of calcium to the membranes and cell walls of the root, maintaining their integrity and protecting against stress caused by salinity. It also helps in the formation of aggregates, improving the soil structure.",
"video": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/PROMESOL-5X-English-LOW.mp4"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Promesol Ca+ benefits",
"description": "Reduces soil compaction allowing better root development. •Helps use irrigation or rainwater. •Facilitates soil tillage. •Unlocks nutrients from the soil. •Facilitates the development of bulbs and tubers, as well as their harvest.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Bioestimula-el-crecimiento-radicular.png",
"text": "Facilitates root growth"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Evita-las-malformaciones-de-bulbos-y-tuberculos.png",
"text": "Prevents malformations of bulbs and tubers"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Facilita-las-labores-de-cosecha.png",
"text": "Facilitates harvesting tasks"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Mejora-el-acondicionamieno-de-suelodescompactacion.png",
"text": "Improves soil conditioning (Decompaction)"
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "It can be applied alone in a mixture with the fertilizer, in a drip, sprinkling, drench or gravity irrigation system directed to the root zone. To prepare the solution: 1. Shake the container, unscrew the cap and remove the safety seal. 2. Measure the amount to be applied in a graduated container and pour into a premix bucket. 3. Pour the solution obtained into the tank containing half of the volume to be injected. 4. Agitate and fill the entire tank volume and inject into the irrigation system in the second third of the irrigation time.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": "Drip irrigation"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-2.png",
"text": "Drench"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-1.png",
"text": "Rolling Irrigation"
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-B1-PROMESOL-Ca-USA-V2.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Logos-02.png",
"title": "Nutri-Cal",
"text": "High assimilation organically complexed liquid calcium",
"description": "Its a high assimilation organically complexed liquid calcium that provides superior disease protection, larger yields, drought resistance and longer shelf life. For use on fruits, vegetables, ornamentals and grass. Thirty years of field tests prove its efficacy",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "THE CALCIUM SOLUTION!",
"id": "nutrical",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Nutrical-Bueno.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "The organic acids in this formulation create intermediate stability calcium chelates; that protect the plant from the cuticle and epidermis of the leaf or fruit allowing easy flow through conduction tissues and effective entry into the demanding cells. Causes of Calcium Deficiency in Plants and The Nutri-Cal Solution Even if your soil is calcium-rich, it's all too easy for plants to suffer from a calcium deficiency.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Nutri-Cal benefits",
"description": "",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/nutri-Cal-K-71.png",
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/nutri-Cal-K-68.png",
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/nutri-Cal-K-66.png",
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/nutri-cal-65.png",
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "Apply once per week during the growing season. Check out our data sheet to see de crop and dose.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Aplicacion-foliar.png",
"text": "Foliar application"
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-NUTRI-CAL-USA-V3.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Logos_Mesa-de-trabajo-1.png",
"title": "Nutri-K",
"text": "High assimilation organically complexed liquid pottasium",
"description": "Special formulation of highly soluble pottasium and carboxylic acids. The carboxilic acids, which are the complexing agents are derived from plant extracts in a patented process. It supplies potassium of high assimilation for better ripening, color and size of fruits",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "THE POTTASIUM SOLUTION!",
"id": "nutrik",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/nutrik-png.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "The organic acids contained in the formulation enhances an effective flow of potassium, at translaminar level and by conducting tissues to the sites where requires, causing a rapid responsen size, color and ripening of fruits.much smaller fruit.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Nutri-K benefits",
"description": "",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/nutri-Cal-K-71.png",
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/nutri-Cal-K-69.png",
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/nutri-cal-65-70.png",
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Aplicacion-foliar.png",
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "Apply fast-acting Nutri-K directly to leaves as needed. Nutri-K uses the same patented technology as Nutri-Cal for quick delivery directly to the plant. The two products can be used in combination. Check out our data sheet to see the crop and dose.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Aplicacion-foliar.png",
"text": "Foliar application"
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-NUTRI-K-USA-V2.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/promesol5x.png",
"title": "Promesol 5X",
"text": "Soil conditioner",
"description": "Promesol® 5X is a formulation based on ECCA Carboxy® acids that generates a good physical structure of the soil, improves humidity and aeration conditions, favoring root growth.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Promesol-5X",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Promesol-5X-A.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "The ECCA Carboxy® acids in this formulation bind soil particles forming stable aggregates that produce a balance of macro and micropores, this reduces compaction and generates spaces for water and air that allow easy tillage.",
"video": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/PROMESOL-5X-English-LOW.mp4"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Promesol 5X benefits",
"description": "Reduces soil compaction allowing better root development. •Helps use irrigation or rainwater. •Facilitates soil tillage. •Unlocks nutrients from the soil. •Facilitates the development of bulbs and tubers, as well as their harvest.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Bioestimula-el-crecimiento-radicular.png",
"text": "Facilitates root growth"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Evita-las-malformaciones-de-bulbos-y-tuberculos.png",
"text": "Prevents malformations of bulbs and tubers"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Facilita-las-labores-de-cosecha.png",
"text": "Facilitates harvesting tasks"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Mejora-el-acondicionamieno-de-suelodescompactacion.png",
"text": "Improves soil conditioning (Decompaction)"
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "Promesol®5X is for all crops and can be applied by drip, sprinkler, drench or gravity irrigation system directed to the root zone. For application: 1. Before opening, shake the container and measure the amount to be applied in a graduated container. 2. Pour the solution into the tank with half the volume to be injected. 3. Shake and fill the tank volume. Inject in the second third of the irrigation time. Gravity irrigation. Apply directly to the water intake or dilute in the appropriate proportion for adequate distribution on the ground, dosing the drip according to the progress of irrigation.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": "Riego por goteo"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-2.png",
"text": "Drench"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-1.png",
"text": "Riego Rodado"
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-B1-PROMESOL-5X-USA-V2.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/packhard.png",
"title": "Packhard ",
"text": "Biostimulant for quality and life in post-harvest",
"description": "Packhard® is a formulation based on ECCA Carboxy® acids, which contributes to the production of fruits of high economic value due to their organoleptic characteristics (firmness, color, flavor, shine), long shelf life and low incidence of postharvest diseases.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Packhard",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/PackHard-A.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "• Improve fruit quality that distinguishes the label. • Increases the firmness of fruits. • Reduces losses due to fruit rejection. • Reduces physiological disorders such as: Blossom end Rot, Tip Burn, Bitter Pit, cracked flowers and fruits, Black Heart, among others. • Longer shelf life of flowers and fruits. • Highlights the organoleptic characteristics.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Packhard benefits",
"description": "• Mejor calidad de fruto que distingue a la etiqueta. • Aumenta la firmeza de frutos. • Disminuye pérdidas por rechazo de fruto. • Reduce desórdenes fisiológicos como: Blossom end Rot, Tip Burn, Bitter Pit, rajado de flores y frutos, Black Heart, entre otros. • Mayor vida de anaquel de flores y frutos. • Resalta las características organolépticas.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mejora-el-aprovechamiento-de-agua.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Iconos-58.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/obtiene-un-desarrollo-balanceado.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/aplicacion-preventiva.png",
"text": ""
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "To prepare the spray solution: 1. Shake the container, unscrew the cap and remove the safety seal. 2. Measure the amount to be applied in a graduated container and pour into a bucket with water to premix. 3. Pour the premix into the sprayer tank containing half the spray volume. 4. Shake and complete the total spray volume.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-2.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-1.png",
"text": ""
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-B1-PACKHARD-USA-V2.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/TRANSPLUS.png",
"title": "Trans plus",
"text": "Translocator and surfactant",
"description": "Transplus improves the performance of active ingredients (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, nutrients, or bioregulators) applied via foliar spraying.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "transplus",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/TRANSPLUS.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "Transplus is a formulation based on concentrated extracts of ECCA Carboxy® husks. Due to its surfactant action, it moistens a larger surface area of plant or pest tissue, and the translocating action of the ECCA Carboxy® Acids in its formulation promotes the movement of active ingredients within the conductive tissues.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Transfer plus benefits",
"description": "Improves the coverage of foliar spraying. Enhances the effectiveness of the response of active ingredients in foliar application. Reduces costs by minimizing the need for reapplication of agrochemical products applied via foliar spraying. When mixed with herbicides, it increases the speed of control or prolongs the period before regrowth. Boosts the response of fungicides, insecticides, nutrients, or growth regulators.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Mayor-respuesta-de-ingredientes-activos.png",
"text": "Greater response of active ingredients"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Mejora-el-cubrimiento-de-la-aspersion-foliar-Incrementa-la-cobertura.png",
"text": "Improves the coverage of foliar spraying"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Ambientalmente-amigable-1.png",
"text": "environmentally friendly."
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "Trans plus® is widely used for all types of crops and serves as an additive and translocator for spray mixtures such as insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, nutrients, or bioregulators. Shake the container before opening it. It is recommended to make a premix with half of the spraying volume. Add the insecticide, herbicide, fungicide, nutrient, or bioregulator before filling the spray tank completely, following the label instructions. Continuous agitation is recommended during the preparation of the mixture.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Aplicacion-foliar.png",
"text": "Foliar application."
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-B1-TRANSPLUS-USA-V2.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/carboxyl.png",
"title": "Carboxy L",
"text": "Biostimulant to translocate sugars",
"description": "Carboxy® L is an ECCA Carboxy® acid-based formulation, which causes greater efficiency in the translocation of photosynthates to the fruits and storage organs, managing to increase the concentration of Brix degrees, accumulation of reserves. In addition, it can be used as a ripening agent for sugar cane.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Carboxy-L",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Carboxy-L-A.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "ECCA Carboxy® acids influence the primary metabolism that favors greater translocation of carbohydrates from the areas where they are produced to the areas where they are demanded (fruits, tubers, stems and crowns), through the conduction tissues of the plant.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Carboxy L benefits",
"description": "• Greater accumulation of reserves in roots and wood for better sprouting in fruit trees, berries and rose bushes. • Translocation of sugars to asparagus crowns to improve the quality of the spears. • Translocation of photosynthates to bulbs and tubers. • Non-phytotoxic and non-residual ripening agent for sugarcane.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mejora-el-aprovechamiento-de-agua.png",
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"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/obtiene-un-desarrollo-balanceado.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/aplicacion-preventiva.png",
"text": ""
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "To prepare the water spray solution: Shake the container and measure the amount to be applied in a graduated container and pour into a premix bucket. Pour the contents of the bucket into the sprayer tank containing half the spray volume. Shake and complete the total spray volume.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-2.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-1.png",
"text": ""
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-CARBOXY-L-CHILE-V2.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/carboxyfe.png",
"title": "Carboxy Fe",
"text": "Chelated Fe for use in fertigation",
"description": "Carboxy® Fe contains ECCA Carboxy® extracts and chelated iron, allowing it to remain in solution under extreme pH conditions. Additionally, it can be translocated in chelated form through the plant's conductive tissues, effectively delivering the maximum amount of nutrients to the tissues that require them.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Carboxy-Fe",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/carboxyfe.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "Carboxy® Fe contains ECCA Carboxy® extracts and chelated iron, allowing it to remain in solution under extreme pH conditions. Additionally, it can be translocated in a complexed form through the plant's conductive tissues, effectively delivering the maximum amount of nutrients to the tissues that require them",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Carboxy Fe benefits",
"description": "• Prevents yield losses due to iron deficiencies. • Eliminates the risk of clogging in irrigation systems caused by precipitation of insoluble salts. • Prevents and corrects iron deficiencies in crops, even in alkaline and calcareous soils. • Easy to handle and apply. • Promotes a quick response in crops.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Mejora-el-desarrollo-y-productividad-del-cultivo.png",
"text": "Enhances crop development and productivity"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/obtiene-un-desarrollo-balanceado.png",
"text": "Achieves balanced growth"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Rapida-respuesta.png",
"text": "Quick response"
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "Carboxy® Fe is a chelate that meets the solubility and stability specifications necessary for use in pressurized irrigation systems. It is applied by foliar spray, mixed with enough water to achieve adequate foliage coverage, and can be mixed with other fertilizers after a preliminary compatibility test. For soil application, pour the measured amount into the fertilizer tank and apply it with irrigation water.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": "Drip irrigation"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-2.png",
"text": "Drench"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/prueba-de-compatibilidad.png",
"text": "Compatibility test"
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-B1-CARBOXY-Fe-USA-V2.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/carboxymicro.png",
"title": "Carboxy Micro",
"text": "Chelated micronutrients for use in fertigation",
"description": "Carboxy® Micro contains ECCA Carboxy® extracts and chelated micronutrients, which allows it to remain in solution under extreme pH conditions. Furthermore, they can be translocated in chelated form through the plant's conduction tissues, effectively providing the maximum amount of nutrients to the tissue that demands them.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Carboxy-Micro",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/carboxymicro.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "Carboxy® Micro contiene extractos ECCA Carboxy® y micronutrientes quelatados, que le permite permanecer en solución bajo condiciones extremas de pH. Además, pueden ser translocados en forma quelatada por los tejidos de conducción de la planta, aportando eficazmente la máxima cantidad de nutrientes en el tejido que lo demanda.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Carboxy Micro benefits",
"description": "Prevents yield losses due to micronutrient deficiencies. • Eliminates risks of clogging in irrigation systems due to precipitation of insoluble salts. • Prevents and corrects micronutrient deficiencies in crops, even in alkaline and calcareous soils. • Ease of handling and application. • Causes rapid response in crops.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Mejora-el-desarrollo-y-productividad-del-cultivo.png",
"text": "Improves crop development and productivity"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/obtiene-un-desarrollo-balanceado.png",
"text": "Obtain balanced development"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Rapida-respuesta.png",
"text": "Rapid Response"
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "Carboxy® Micro is used as a preventative of minor element deficiencies. It can be applied through pressurized irrigation. Although Carboxy® Micro is designed for use in fertigation, it can also be applied in a band, box or spray.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": "Drip irrigation"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-2.png",
"text": "Drench"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/prueba-de-compatibilidad.png",
"text": "Compatibility test"
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-B1-CARBOXY-Micro-USA-V2.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/carboxyzn.png",
"title": "Carboxy Zn",
"text": "Chelated zinc for use in fertirrigation",
"description": "Carboxy® Zn contains ECCA Carboxy® extracts and chelated Zinc, which allow it to remain in solution under extreme pH conditions. Furthermore, they can be translocated in chelated form through the plant's conduction tissues, effectively providing the maximum amount of nutrients to the tissue that demands them.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Carboxy-Zn",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/carboxyzn.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "Carboxy® Zn contains ECCA Carboxy® extracts and chelated Zinc, which allow it to remain in solution under extreme pH conditions. Furthermore, they can be translocated in chelated form by the plant's conduction tissues, effectively providing the maximum amount of nutrients to the tissue that demands them.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Carboxy Zn benefits",
"description": "Avoid performance losses due to Zinc deficiencies. • Eliminates risks of clogging in irrigation systems due to precipitation of insoluble salts. • Prevents and corrects Zinc deficiencies in crops, even in alkaline and calcareous soils. • Ease of handling and application. • Causes rapid response in crops",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Mejora-el-desarrollo-y-productividad-del-cultivo.png",
"text": "Improves crop development and productivity"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/obtiene-un-desarrollo-balanceado.png",
"text": "Obtain balanced development"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Rapida-respuesta.png",
"text": "Rapid response"
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "Carboxy®Zn is a chelate that meets the solubility and stability specifications necessary for use in pressurized irrigation. Its preventive application is recommended or when the first symptoms of Zinc deficiency appear. It is applied by foliar spray, mixed with enough water to achieve adequate coverage of the foliage and can be mixed with other fertilizers, performing a prior compatibility test. To prepare water spray solution: Weigh the amount to be applied and pour into the premix bucket. Pour the contents of the bucket into the sprayer tank containing half the spray volume. Shake and complete the total spray volume. For soil application, pour measured amounts into fertilizer tanks and apply with irrigation water. Although Carboxy®Zn is designed for use in fertigation, it can also be applied in a band, box or broadcast.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": "Riego por goteo"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-2.png",
"text": "Drench"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/prueba-de-compatibilidad.png",
"text": "Prueba de compatibilidad"
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-B1-CARBOXY-Zn-II-USA-V3.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/nutrisorbl.png",
"title": "Nutrisorb L",
"text": "Biostimulant for nutrient assimilation",
"description": "It is a formulation based on ECCA Carboxy® acids that acts on the activity and longevity of the root, enhancing the nutrient absorption process, resulting in greater extraction of nutrients from the soil solution and, as a consequence, improves development and performance of the crop.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Nutrisorb-L",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Nutrisorb-L-A.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "An ECCA Carboxy® fraction stimulates the electrogenic pumping process, which leads to greater nutrient uptake per root surface area and time. In addition, it maintains the generation of absorbent hairs and rootlets, resulting in greater extraction of nutrients from the soil solution and, as a consequence, better crop development.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Nutrisorb L benefits",
"description": "• Greater assimilation of nutrients. • Greater economic performance per unit of fertilizer applied. • Prolonged productive life of the crop with quality fruits. • Balanced vegetative development of the plant, as a consequence of the better extraction of nutrients. • Unlocks nutrients immobilized in the soil due to root activation and acidification of the rhizosphere. • Formation of absorbent hairs and rootlets.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mejora-el-aprovechamiento-de-agua.png",
"text": ""
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"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/obtiene-un-desarrollo-balanceado.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/aplicacion-preventiva.png",
"text": ""
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "Shake the container, unscrew the cap and remove the safety seal. Measure the amount to be applied and pour into a bucket for pre-dilution. In micro spray and drip irrigation: Add half the volume of water to the fertilizer tank. Pour the solution obtained from the pre-dilution. Shake and make up the total volume of water. When drenching, direct the solution to the root area. Nutrisorb®L can be applied in mixture with fertilizers",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-2.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-1.png",
"text": ""
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-B1-NUTRISORB-SC-USA-V3.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/nutrisorbg.png",
"title": "Nutrisorb G",
"text": "Biostimulant for nutrient assimilation",
"description": "It is a formulation based on ECCA Carboxy® acids that acts on the activity and longevity of the root, enhancing the nutrient absorption process, resulting in greater extraction of nutrients from the soil solution and, as a consequence, improves development and performance of the crop.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Nutrisorb-G",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Nutrisorb-G.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "An ECCA Carboxy® fraction stimulates the electrogenic pumping process, which leads to greater nutrient uptake per root surface area and time. In addition, it maintains the generation of absorbent hairs and rootlets, resulting in greater extraction of nutrients from the soil solution and, as a consequence, better crop development.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Nutrisorb G benefits",
"description": "• Greater assimilation of nutrients. • Greater economic performance per unit of fertilizer applied. • Prolonged productive life of the crop with quality fruits. • Balanced vegetative development of the plant, as a consequence of the better extraction of nutrients. • Unlocks nutrients immobilized in the soil due to root activation and acidification of the rhizosphere. • Formation of absorbent hairs and rootlets.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mejora-el-aprovechamiento-de-agua.png",
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"text": ""
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"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/aplicacion-preventiva.png",
"text": ""
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "Measure the amount to be applied and pour into a bucket for pre-dilution. In micro spray and drip irrigation: Add half the volume of water to the fertilizer tank. Pour the solution obtained from the pre-dilution. Shake and make up the total volume of water. When drenching, direct the solution to the root area. Nutrisorb®L can be applied in mixture with fertilizers",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-2.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-1.png",
"text": ""
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-B1-NUTRISORB-SC-USA-V3.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/radigrow.png",
"title": "Radigrow",
"text": "Rooter",
"description": "It is a formulation based on ECCA Carboxy® acids that stimulates root growth for prolonged periods without restrictions on its performance, it’s safe at any phenological stage of the crop.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Radigrow",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Radigrow-A.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "RadiGrow® has a double mode of action; It provides hormones in an adequate balance with immediate action phosphorus, furthermore, ECCA Carboxy® acids promote the biosynthesis of Myoinositol in sufficient quantities to favor the efficient translocation of auxins synthesized by the plant and those added by RadiGrow®, providing a secure response for a prolonged period at any phenological stage of the crop",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Radigrow benefits",
"description": "• Induces the newest generation of roots. • Facilitates rapid crop establishment after transplanting or sowing. • Improves the use of water and nutrients. • Double action mode that leads to immediate effect and prolonged action. • Strengthens the crop with thick stems and good leaf area.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mejora-el-aprovechamiento-de-agua.png",
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"text": ""
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"text": ""
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "RadiGrow® is widely used in all types of crops and can be applied through a drip irrigation system, micro-sprinkler or drench directed at the base of the plant stem. To prepare the water spray solution a) Shake the container, unscrew the cap and remove the safety seal; b) Measure the amount to be applied in a graduated container and pour into a pre-dilution bucket. c) Pour the solution into the fertilizer tank containing half of the volume to be injected. d) Shake and complete the total volume of the tank and inject into the irrigation system in the middle third of the sector's irrigation time.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": "Drip Irrigation"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-2.png",
"text": "Drench"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-1.png",
"text": "Sprinkler irrigation"
"ficha": "https://www.agrian.com/labelcenter/results.cfm"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/balox.png",
"title": "Balox",
"text": "Bio-stimulant to resist saline stress",
"description": "Contains active ingredients that influence plant metabolism, causing an increase in the biosynthesis of specific cyclitols that act as compatible solutes to regulate osmotic potentials within root and plant cells, which confer tolerance to salt stress.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Balox",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Balox-A.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "The active ingredients contained in Balox® influence the metabolism of the plant, causing an increase in the biosynthesis of specific cyclitols that act as compatible solutes to regulate osmotic potentials within the root and plant cells, which increases tolerance to salt stress.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Balox Benefits",
"description": "• Novel action mechanism against salt stress to help root dynamics. • Fast response speed at the root. • Does not require additional salt washing practices. • Ideal tool when c.e. of water is high.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mejora-el-aprovechamiento-de-agua.png",
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"text": ""
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"text": ""
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"text": ""
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "It can be applied alone or in a mixture with the fertilizer, in a drip, sprinkling, drench or gravity irrigation system directed to the root zone. To prepare the solution: 1. Shake the container, unscrew the cap and remove the safety seal. 2. Measure the amount to be applied in a graduated container and pour into a premix bucket. 3. Pour the solution obtained into the tank containing half of the volume to be injected. 4. Agitate and fill the entire tank volume and inject into the irrigation system in the second third of the irrigation time. Gravity irrigation: Apply directly to the water intake or dilute in the appropriate proportion for adequate distribution on the ground. Fertigation: The dose can be distributed during the growing cycle.",
"items": [
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"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-1.png",
"text": ""
"ficha": "https://www.agrian.com/labelcenter/results.cfm"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/mycoroot.png",
"title": "Mycoroot",
"text": "Mycorrhiza inducing biostimulant",
"description": "It is a formulation based on ECCA Carboxy® acid that stimulates root growth for prolonged periods without restrictions on its performance, safe at any phenological stage of the crop.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Mycoroot",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Mycoroot-A.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "It is an inoculant formulated from mycorrhiza-forming fungi, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and ExuRoot® that promotes infection, establishment and multiplication in the rhizosphere, increasing the root exploration area. In addition, it protects against stress and increases the active life of the roots.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Mycoroot Benefits",
"description": "Improves the absorption particularly of N, P, Zn, K and Ca. • Increases the establishment and colonization of endo- and ectomycorrhizal fungi in the root. • Strengthens the crop by making it tolerant to biotic and abiotic stress. • In crops that lack absorbent hairs or absorption rootlets, the area of exploration and use of water and nutrients by the root increases. • Secure your investment to the max.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mejora-el-aprovechamiento-de-agua.png",
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"text": ""
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "Mycoroot® must be applied directly to the root zone, diluted in enough water to facilitate its incorporation, both to seedlings in trays or nurseries and in the field.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": ""
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"text": ""
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"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/kresko.png",
"title": "Kresko",
"text": "Biostimulant for setting and fruit sizing",
"description": "Kresko® Interacts with the plant's metabolism, stimulating the development processes and fruit size, helps to increase economic value and proportion of harvestable fruit. In addition, it also delays crop senescence.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Kresko",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/kresko.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "It contains a hormonal balance to regulate cell division and differentiation in fruiting tissue. ECCA Carboxy® induces the biosynthesis of phosphoinositides that amplify the cellular response for a long amount of time. Additionally, it includes nutritional support for adequate setting and filling of the fruits. The combination of hormonal balance, ECCA Carboxy® and nutritional support has a synergistic effect on the crop.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Kresko benefits",
"description": "• Promotes fruit setting. • Favors a greater proportion of fruits of excellent size and commercial value. • Helps create uniformity in the size of fruits and grains. • Improves the plant's ability to generate branches (bracing) and fruiting. • Strengthens shoot growth. • Delays crop senescence",
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"text": ""
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "To prepare the foliar spray solution: 1. Shake the container, unscrew the cap and remove the safety seal. 2. Measure the amount to be applied in a graduated container and pour into a premix bucket. 3. Pour the contents of the bucket into the sprayer tank containing half the spray volume. 4. Shake and complete the total spray volume.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": ""
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"text": ""
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"text": ""
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-B1-KRESKO-USA-V2.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/brotstart.png",
"title": "Brot Start",
"text": "Sprouting inducing biostimulant",
"description": "It induces the sprouting of buds in fruit trees, on branches from the previous year that would remain dormant or would be delayed in sprouting. This allows a more uniform development of the fruit tree, facilitating its management, and also favors a more balanced vegetative and fruit development.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Brot-Start",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Brotstart-A.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "Aporta los nutrientes clave para el proceso de reactivación de las yemas, así como coadyuvantes que facilitan el ingreso y aumentan la biodisponibilidad de los mismos, en los sitios específicos de acción que inducen la brotación y fortalecen el desarrollo inicial de los brotes.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "BrotStart benefits",
"description": "• Increases the proportion of buds sprouted in fruit trees. • Facilitates and makes fruit management practices more timely. • Promotes better development of shoots and fruiting. • Environmentally safe and with minimal risk of toxicity due to exposure to the product.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mejora-el-aprovechamiento-de-agua.png",
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"text": ""
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "Brot Start® It is for use in deciduous fruit trees in temperate climates. It is applied by spraying directed to all the branches of the tree or to the foliage with sufficient volume of water to ensure good coverage.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
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"text": ""
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-B1-BROT-START-USA-V2.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/biofitn.png",
"title": "Biofit-N",
"description": "Restores productivity of cultivated soils to optimum biological conditions for intensive vegetable crop production.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Biofit-N",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/biofitn.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work? ",
"descripcion": "Biofit N is a biological soil inoculant formulation that recovers and maintains the soil’s beneficial microbial community to allow for increased soil and plant health, supporting increased crop yields and quality. BioFit N contains a diverse population of beneficial soil microorganisms that allows for the optimization of nutrient availability and uptake by the plant, improves soil structure, and enhances overall plant and root health. BioFit N also contains Exu-Root, which dramatically enhances the colonization of the root zone by BioFit N beneficial microorganisms by increasing the release of root exudates that feed the Rhizosphere’s microbiome",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Benefits Biofit N",
"description": "Restores and maintains the productive capacity of agricultural soils. Maximizes nutrient and water uptake by the plant’s root system. Increases availability of immobilized nutrients for uptake by the plant.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mejora-el-aprovechamiento-de-agua.png",
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"text": ""
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "Biofit N should be applied directly to the root zone of plants by diluting 12.5 oz (350g) of product with 26 gallons (100L) of water. BioFit N is suitable for use in seed treatment, vegetable plant propagation, greenhouse, and open-field crop production. Apply BioFit N through the irrigation system for best results",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": ""
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"text": ""
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"text": ""
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-B1-BIOFIT-N-USA-V3.pdf"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/exuroot.png",
"title": "Exu-Root",
"text": "Biostimulant Inducer of Root Exudates",
"description": "Ensures good response of the formulations of beneficial microorganisms. It optimizes the functioning of the root, inducing the exudation of compounds that act as signaling in the rhizosphere.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Exu-Root",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/ExuRoot-A.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "Exu-Root®'s own aromatic ECCA Carboxy® acids promote the activity of primary metabolism cycles, which increase the total amount of carbon compounds as a food source for microorganisms and secondary metabolism cycles that favor signaling for recognition between the root and the microorganisms. These two actions increase microbial colonization in the rhizosphere.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Exu-Root benefits",
"description": "Exu-Root®'s own aromatic ECCA Carboxy® acids promote the activity of primary metabolism cycles, which increase the total amount of carbon compounds as a food source for microorganisms and secondary metabolism cycles that favor signaling for recognition between the root and the microorganisms. These two actions increase microbial colonization in the rhizosphere.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mejora-el-aprovechamiento-de-agua.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Iconos-58.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/obtiene-un-desarrollo-balanceado.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/aplicacion-preventiva.png",
"text": ""
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "It is applied mixed with bio preparations of beneficial microorganisms (BMB) or biological inoculants, in seedbed trays; injected into the irrigation system, banded or sprayed over the row of plants. To prepare the water spray solution a) Shake the container, unscrew the cap and remove the safety seal; b) Measure the amount to be applied in a graduated container and pour into a pre-dilution bucket. c) Pour the solution obtained into the fertilizer tank containing half of the volume to be injected. d) Shake and complete the total volume of the tank and inject into the irrigation system in the middle third of the sector's irrigation time.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/goteo.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-2.png",
"text": ""
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Group-1.png",
"text": ""
"ficha": "https://www.agrian.com/labelcenter/results.cfm"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/nemaroot.png",
"title": "NemaRoot",
"text": "Biorational Nematicide",
"description": "NemaRoot® is a Biorational Nematicide formulated from conidia of the fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus, which acts by parasitizing eggs, juveniles, adults and nematode cysts. Nemaroot® contains Exuroot® which induces the exudation of compounds that favor the colonization of the fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus and other beneficial native microorganisms to stimulate root development, activity and health.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "NemaRoot",
"tecnologias": [
"http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/pfenergy_Mesa-de-trabajo-1.png", "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/FINAL-PROTECCION.png"
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Nemaroot-A.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it work?",
"descripcion": "NemaRoot® It contains the fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus that acts by parasitizing nematode eggs and females. NemaRoot® also induces the exudation of compounds that favors the colonization of the fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus and other native beneficial microorganisms that stimulate root development and activity.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "NemaRoot benefits",
"description": "∙ Controls nematode populations by keeping them below the economic threshold. Prevents the explosive generation of nematodes after control.∙ The root is continuously protected once the fungus is established in the rhizosphere. ∙ Does not generate resistance in nematodes.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Ambientalmente-amigable-1.png",
"text": "Environmentally friendly"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/herramienta-en-el-manejo-integrado-de-placa.png",
"text": "Tool in integrated plate management"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Estimula-y-facilita-el-desarrollo-radicular.png",
"text": "Root health"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Protege-las-raices-contra-el-ataque-nematodos.png",
"text": "Protects roots against nematode attack"
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "Carefully open the packaging, weigh the indicated amount of NemaRoot® on a scale and dissolve it in enough water to facilitate its incorporation. NemaRoot® should be applied directly to the root zone, diluted in enough water to facilitate its incorporation, both to seedlings in trays or nurseries as in the field. For injection into the system, make a dilution with a maximum of 350g in 100 L of water to ensure uniform application in the irrigation sector for a sufficient time. When using the fertilizer tank as an application means, preferably do so before applying chemical materials, as close as possible to the second third of the total irrigation time.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Aplicacion-foliar.png",
"text": "Foliar application"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/aplicacion-preventiva-y-correctiva.png",
"text": "Preventive and corrective application"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Iconos-58.png",
"text": "Easy application use"
"ficha": "https://www.agrian.com/labelcenter/results.cfm"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/transferup.png",
"title": "Transfer Up",
"text": "Anti-stress",
"description": "Transfer Up® is a formulation based on ECCA Carboxy® nitrogen and phosphorus acids that promotes the recovery and restoration of metabolism in crops subjected to stress (heat, drought, toxicity, low light or low temperature) quickly and for a long time.",
"askInfo": "Request more information",
"tecnologia": "Technologies",
"id": "Transfer-Up",
"tecnologias": [
"portada": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/transferup.png",
"comoFunciona": {
"titulo": "How does it function?",
"descripcion": "The *ECCA Carboxy® acids in this formulation induce the synthesis of polyols, which act as compatible solutes to hydrate the cell and enzymatic protectors, which together with the amount of phosphorus that is incorporated into the energy molecules of ATP, reestablish metabolic activity. of the plant quickly and for a long time.",
"video": "https://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/alianzas1.webm"
"beneficios": {
"title": "Transfer Up benefits",
"description": "Reduces yield or quality losses caused by biotic or abiotic stress factors. • Recovers crops after handling stress. • Restores the vigor of the crop after transplanting or periods of dormancy.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Ambientalmente-amigable-1.png",
"text": "Environmentally friendly"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Rapida-respuesta.png",
"text": "Rapid response"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/reduce-la-perdida-de-rendimiento.png",
"text": "Reduces performance loss"
"especificaciones": {
"title": "Product specifications",
"description": "It is applied by foliar spray, mixed with enough water to achieve adequate coverage of the foliage and can be mixed with other fertilizers, performing a prior compatibility test.",
"items": [
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Aplicacion-foliar.png",
"text": "Foliar application"
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/aplicacion-preventiva-y-correctiva.png",
"text": "Preventative and corrective application "
"image": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/prueba-de-compatibilidad.png",
"text": "Compatibility test"
"ficha": "http://wp.innovakglobal.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/FT-B1-TRANSFER-UP-II-USA-V2.pdf"